Decomposing a signed graph into rooted circuits
- Georgia Institute of Technology
- ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9884-3406
- More about Rose McCarty
Editorial introduction
Min-max theorems play an important role in combinatorics and optimization. Abstractly speaking, a min-max theorem says that the minimum of a parameter is equal to the maximum of the dual parameter. Prominent specific min-max theorems include the max-flow min-cut theorem, Kőnig’s theorem and Menger’s theorem. For example, Menger’s theorem asserts that the maximum number of edge-disjoint paths between vertices u and v in a graph is equal to the minimum size of an edge-cut separating u and v.
Motivated by problems concerning vertex-minors of graphs, the author of this paper considers the following problem: given an Eulerian graph G, a vertex b and a set S of edges, what is the maximum number of closed trails passing through b such that each trail contains an odd number of edges from S and the trails partition the edge set of G? Note that this quantity stays unchanged whenever for a fixed vertex v, all edges incident with v and not present in S are added to S and those already present are removed. We refer to this operation as a local shifting.
An upper bound on the number of trails in the problem stated above can be obtained as follows. Let X be a set of vertices of G that contains b. Observe that each trail passing through b that has an odd number of edges from S contains an edge from S with both end vertices in X or leaves and so reenters the set X (and therefore contains two edges between a vertex in X and a vertex not in X). This yields an upper bound on the number of trails. However, for example, if one of the components of G∖X is joined by two edges to X and the number of edges from S among those contained in the component and the two edges to X is even, the above upper bound can be decreased by one. This is an example of a bad component of G∖X. The main result of the paper asserts that the maximum number of trails is equal to the minimum of the aforementioned upper bound minus the number of bad components of G∖X, taken over all sets X and all local shiftings. As a corollary, a proof of the following conjecture of Máčajová and Škoviera is obtained: the edges of every 2ℓ-regular graph with an odd number of vertices can be split into ℓ closed trails passing through the same vertex and each having an odd number of edges.